Tuesday 7 October 2008

Hi,I'm back!

Ckckckck,Sudah lama jg gw lum nulis pa2 lagi disini,berhubung Inggris gw gak sebagus Abby jadi nulis pake B.Ind ajha...
Beberapa hari ini gw bingung,kenapa banyak banget orang yang nulis cerita2 semacam kisah cinta mereka dengan idola mereka,semacam mulai dari pertemuan dll...
I think"Isn't it seems to be a little too much?"
It's just sound a little bit pathetic to me...
Dan gw merasa agak kasihan sama idola2 tersebut..Gw rasa mereka bisa takut&trauma kale ya gara2 hal tersebut...
Apalagi kadang ada fans yang sampe maniak banget tuh nguntit dan terkadang menggangu kehidupan pribadi mereka,bahkan kadang ada yang sampe ngancem bunuh segala..
Astaga naga,kayaknya itu terlalu berlebihan deh menurut gw,Kan kasihan juga idola2 itu...
Apalagi kadang mereka juga udah gak bisa menjalani kehidupan sebagai orang biasa,kerja terus sampe gak bisa santai..
Jadi pesen gw buat para fans,meskipun ngefans banget jangan sampe maniak kayak gitu lah,biasa aja kaleeee........Coz remember,idola juga tetep manusia...
Sorry kalo kata2 gw agak berlebaian&menyinggung,please jangan marah..
Gw udah ga tau deh mau nulis pa lagi...Hehehehe

Saturday 27 September 2008

It has been a long time...

Hi!! Whew,,so long since the last post. Well, honestly, we can't keep in touch with the faker. But we got many friends,,hohoho (We are talking about FB). Meet many people who like Yamada Ryosuke..and other members of Hey! Say! JUMP... ^^ Wish can be a good friend with them...

Friday 5 September 2008

curious about something suspicious...

Hi!! Glad to see you again.. Whew,,many tests and tasks made and maybe still make us so busy. But this day I want to say something.. You know the faker is so weird and the one named...well just call that one "vodoo" is also like that. vodoo blocked us at a place in internet and seemed the faker remove vodoo too. Hahaha ^^ so funny..
Well don't have anything to do with them anyway. But still we're waiting this faker to ol again so we can ask again about something and prove that this one really a faker..!!!

Friday 29 August 2008

Just something that we want to write...

It has been 5 days, doesn't it? Hehehe,,so many tasks to do and many tests.. ^^ And made us don't have anytime to open this blog. By the way, we just got new news from my friend,,just call her ST.
ST told us that the faker we always want to crush is a person of J.E from Thailand..Well,,if we're not wrong he is called mike.. we searched his picture and I think that he has a similar face. So, he's definitely a faker. But he write something in Japanese,,and so hard to translate it, because we've never translated long sentences from Japanese, neither to English nor Indonesian. From what we got we knew that he wants us to believe him and something that is related with language (English and Japanese). confusing us!!! Umm,,forgot what to write,,maybe next time. Aaahh,,for your information: this faker never ol when we ol. So sad,,honeslty we want to ask something again.. Hehe ^("-")^..お休みなさい。。。

Sunday 24 August 2008

waiting so long,,and found out the faker didn't show up

Huh,,we have waited so long...tapi apa coba yang kluar hasilnya!!!Penipu satu itu ngga muncul,,gila kesel banget.Yah,dy ol sih tapi pas kita2 gak ol.SO UPSET!!!! >.<
Tapi gila juga kalo dy asli,,bisa ngakak.Udah dimaki2 gitu,,but this one absolutely not the real one.Bayangin aja, waktu chat kmaren itu, we asked 'you play resident evil,do not you?' ; dijawabnya 'gw juga suka sepakbola'(the real sentence was in english actually). =p
Hahaha,,mixed it with english so the faker can't understand it!^^
Aaarrrgghhh,,kesel banged,banged,banged!!I want to crush that faker,,bukan 'crush on'!tapi bener2 ngancurin dy,,Bodo ah, hari ini sgini dulu.
BTW, for people who know who makes this blog...please don't say to anyone, big family, family, best friends, friends, NO ONE!!! If you say anything to them, we will make you become our servant for the rest of your life!! =p ,, ^^ Hahaha...

Saturday 23 August 2008

times up!!!

wow,,some fakers are a coward, you know??Hwhwhw,,this day is so funny but also tiring. We have waited so long in one place and no one there,neither the faker nor my friends. LOL ^^
well,tomorrow we will wait again until night time.Just look and watch out!We will not be as soft as the last time,our dearly faker!!!
Then,,おやすみなさい!!Have a nice and sweet dream...

Friday 22 August 2008


Heran sama manusia zaman sekarang!Palsu triak palsu (gantinya maling teriak maling!).Coba aja liat smua fakers di internet pasti ngaku2 asli&marah2 sama fakers,padahal..
Hiks2 kasian yama-chan gw jadi korban!
Ayo kita lakukan interogasi tahap brikutnya!!!>o<